Monday, August 29, 2011

IN THE GARDEN, Week of August 21st

We've been busy weeding, pea-staking perennials, transplanting baby kale, mulching, collecting harlequin bugs in a jar of soapy water, harvesting and donating lots of vegetables.  I spotted a few more of those strange mushrooms and finally got a good picture of them (below).  Here, one is shown with its white spores which are soft and look a bit like little eggs. 

This week we've harvested over 51 pounds of tomatoes, butternut squash, leeks, red onions, beets, okra, green onions, kale, jalapenos, hot peppers, rhubarb and lots of herbs, such as basil, sage, thyme, chives and mint. So far this summer, we've harvested and donated 412 pounds of produce to the local and regional food banks!

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